My secretary told me, she will be very busy for a few days completing her assignments and preparing for her examinations. So, she said she will be helping me with posting only, not visiting. But, if she had a free time, she will help me visit my furriends again.
Wish her luck ok furriend? I'll be visiting u when her task is finish!
Now I'm going to jump on u for give my puurrrrrs and hugsss and kisses...
Good luck to your secretary in her exams. It is our purrfday today and we are having a party. Maybe you could teleport to here without her knowing. You can have fun while she is studying.
You deserves that your sectretary does very well with her exams. Do not disturb her, if you do, she might redo her exams, and you will be punnished and left without food;))
Hi Elin, I just wanted you to know that we haven't forgotten about he pawit forward gift. My mommy fell on Sunday and hurt her foot and her knee and hasn't been able to go anywhere cause she hurt herself very bad. that's why we haven't blogged at all in a while. Hope you are doing good! your furreind, Harry
For those who haven't take the gift yet, do take it below..Thank U Furriends for be my furriend!
My Late Brother Boody
5th May 1995 - 8th March 2009
Poor old Boody wasn't having much fun,
So off to the Rainbow Bridge he did run.
Now he runs carefree
Through grass and lea.
Have a great time, Boody,
now your suffering's done~
19 meow meow!:
We hope the human does well in her examinations. FAZ
We purrfectly understand! All the best for the upcoming exams!
Purrs, Siena & Chilli
Good luck to your secretary in her exams.
It is our purrfday today and we are having a party. Maybe you could teleport to here without her knowing. You can have fun while she is studying.
Good luck to your secretary! I'm sure she will do great on her exams!! We will miss you Elin!
We are gonna miss you, Elin!!
Best of luck to your secretary!!
Good luck with your exams!
We wish your Bean lots and lots of luck on her exams:)
Good luck for the exams !
We hope that the exams go well for your Bean!
We hope your secretary does well on the examinations! Look forward to seeing you again soon!
~ Sara and Malachi
Mum and I are sending huge good luck vibes your way.
Hope the exams go well.
Good Luck
GJ xx
You deserves that your sectretary does very well with her exams. Do not disturb her, if you do, she might redo her exams, and you will be punnished and left without food;))
Good luck to your secretary... we know humans are not perfect like us cats, so she can be excused.... THIS time!
Abby & Stygia
Good Luck!
Hi Elin. Tell your secretary we wish her lots of luck with her examinations!
You are such a pretty fluffy cat!
Purrs to you and your people, Halloween
Mom - good luck on your exams. I remember when my mom was in graduate school. I always hated exam time because that meant time was taken away from me.
Hi Elin,
I just wanted you to know that we haven't forgotten about he pawit forward gift. My mommy fell on Sunday and hurt her foot and her knee and hasn't been able to go anywhere cause she hurt herself very bad. that's why we haven't blogged at all in a while.
Hope you are doing good!
your furreind,
Good Luck to your secretary I'll miss you to my friend.I've given you an award please come to my blog when you can and see :)
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